Welcome to the UB School of Social Work!

center for the arts.

A social work degree opens up more career paths than any other comparable degree.

We invite you to learn more about. . .

  • Why pursuing a Master's degree in social work at UB is a great option.
    We're ranked in the top 10% of CSWE accredited social work programs and our coursework integrates a trauma-informed and human rights perspective, offering a transformational lens to focus your social work policy and practice.
  • Why the Buffalo-Niagara Region?
    The Buffalo-Niagara region is a bi-national region that is steeped in history and diversity. From the nearby Southern Ontario region of Canada to the reservation communities of the Seneca and Tuscarora Nations, Western New York and the Buffalo-Niagara region have much to offer.
  • Opportunity to take online and other elective courses.
    Graduate credit elective courses are offered in a variety of areas each fall, spring and summer semester as seated, hybrid and fully online options.

More information on applying to our MSW and PhD programs may be found on our admissions page.

In addition, please check out our inSocialWork Podcast Series, featuring conversations with prominent social work professionals, interviews with cutting-edge researchers, and information on emerging trends and best practices in the field of social work.

Continuing Education, including CEU, certificate programs and online training, is also available to practitioners in the field. Additionally, we've launched an Android app – The Savvy Social Worker. This app will help you stay current with new developments in social work practice, especially evidence-based practices and best practices.

If you have questions, please contact us at sw-info@buffalo.edu.